[새찬송가(한영) 악보]
119장 옛날 임금 다윗성에
Once in Royal David's City
옛날 임금 다윗성에 |
1. 옛날 임금 다윗성에 낮은 마구 있더니
어머니가 갓난아기 구유 안에 뉘었네
어머니는 마리아 그 아기는 예수라
2. 천지 만물 지으신 주 하늘에서 오시사
마구간에 나시어서 구유 안에 뉘셨네
낮고 천한 사람들 사랑하며 사셨네
3. 착하셔라 어릴 때에 모친 순종하시고
사랑으로 섬기신 것 참된 본이 되셨네
주님처럼 우리도 순종하며 살리라
4. 하늘에서 오신 예수 우리 위해 죽으사
사망 권세 이기시고 주님 승천하셨네
그가 계신 곳으로 우리 인도하시리
Once in Royal David's City |
1.Once in roy-al Da-vid's cit-y
Stood a low-ly cat-tle shed,
Where a moth-er laid her ba-by
In a man-ger for His bed:
Ma-ry was that moth-er mild,
Je-sus Christ her lit-tle Child.
2.He came down to earth from heav-en,
Who is God and Lord of all,
And His shel-ter was a sta-ble,
And His cra-dle was a stall:
With the poor, and mean, and low-ly
Lived on earth, our Savior ho-ly.
3.And, thro' all His won-drous child-hood,
He would hon-or and o-bey,
Love and watch the low-ly maid-en
In whose gen-tle arms He lay:
Chris-tian chil-dren all must be
Mild, o-be-dient good as He.
4.And our eyes at last shall see Him,
Thro' His own re-deem-ing love;
For that child so dear and gen-tle
Is our Lord in heaven a-bove,
And He leads His chil-dren on
To the place where He is gone.
'새찬송가(한영) 악보' 카테고리의 다른 글
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